Our services include All-in-one and hassle-free website design! Request your no obligation demo!
No Obligation Free Consult and Demo
1. Intro Chat
First off, we’ll have a chat with you regarding your business and specific business needs to see if we are a right fit for you. We decided to focus on small businesses in order to keep things simple, quality consistent and prices low.
2. Consult
Once we know the type of business you have, we’ll ask you to send us some links/addresses of Websites you find appealing, and tell us what you like about those websites. It will give us a visual of what your tastes are in terms of color schemes and design.
3. Demo
We will prepare a quick mock-up (or two) of what could potentially be your website. Of course, this is just a mock-up. If you decide to continue on, you will be able to change placement, images, colors, fonts, etc. If you like what you see, and want to continue, we’ll start work on your website.
Our Process
1. Discover
This is the information we gathered from initial consult/demo. If you like what we offer, we’ll start creating your website!
2. Define
We’ll help you find a domain name for your business website, if you don’t already have one. If you need a logo, or you need your website translated to be bilingual, we are partnered and have these available to you at a discounted rate. We’ll then make a space for your site on our servers.
3. Design
We’ll make the changes to placement, images, colors, fonts, etc. that you indicated in the first mock-up. We’ll incorporate any pictures, images and text you’d like to have on your website. If you don’t have any, we have a database full at our disposal, no problem! We’ll add any social media links to accounts you may have, such as Facebook.
4. Develop
We will implement SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your page as well. Optimizing your website is crucial to improving your website’s rankings in search engine results pages, like Google. We’ll code to make sure you appear nicely on all devices. We’ll code a contact form if you need one. You’ll then receive a link to view the demo of your website . We’ll do any final tweaks to fine-tune your website. Once the design part is done, we’ll then install the SSL certificates on your site.
5. Deploy
One final once over by you, and then we go live! But it doesn’t stop there! When you’re our client, you can have peace of mind knowing that we’re here to support you.
6. Deliver
Our monthly fee includes our web support services such as website hosting, ongoing software upgrades to make sure your website is always compatible with the latest browsers and security protocols, plug-in updates, editing and adding content to your website, design refreshes, and so on.
Why choose our services?
Because we get it!
You want a great looking website, no hassles, for an affordable price! Let us something great for you! You succeed, we succeed. Win-win!
Our websites are: